Inner Alchemy

A Guided Practice


What is alchemy? In simplest terms, alchemy is the art of changing one form into another.

When most people think of alchemy, they imagine medieval times, where changing lead into gold was all the rage. While this is certainly a form of alchemy, it is a type of external alchemy. We see this type of alchemy every day, although we may not recognize it as such. Boiling water into steam, freezing ice cubes, making tea from dried herbs. What’s truly magical, is inner alchemy. Whether you’re attempting to better yourself through inner healing, or brewing your morning tea, the principles of alchemy are the same.

Alchemy = a substance to be transformed + a container to hold the reaction + energy

Now you’re thinking, ok, what’s so special about this? Well, engaging in internal alchemy raises our consciousness and accelerates personal healing through changing one state, into another. With internal alchemy, the container is much more abstract. In all systems of internal alchemy, the container that holds the reaction, is awareness itself. In other words, mental focus.

For example, as you are reading these words, your awareness is on what you are reading⁠—the information you are taking in. Have you ever started reading a book, and you had to read the same paragraph five times over because your mind wandered somewhere else? Even though you might be reading the words, they were not registering because they were outside your container of awareness.

The container of inner alchemy is awareness itself.


I’m going to go a little further on this, but try not to lose you, ok? Here we go…

We are living in two realities at the same time (in many different dimensions, but we won’t go into that here). One of these realities is the physical reality, the one we’re most acquainted with. These are the things that are bound to the Newtonian laws of physics, matter, if you will. If you pick something up and drop it, it will fall.

The other reality, is quantum reality. This one is a bit harder to grasp because we can’t actually see this reality (at least most of us can’t) and science is only now starting to catch up to the possibilities of this reality. Things like energy and emotions live in this reality. Perhaps you can feel it, but you can’t quite see it. With internal alchemy, the substances that live in this quantum world are the best type of substances to be transformed through awareness. We can’t just freeze water with our minds…or maybe—never mind.

Let’s try this little experiment for a minute. Become aware of one of your hands. Shift your attention to it. Note its position, the weight, the physical sensations—stay here for a few moments. Now, switch awareness to your other hand. Which hand feels more “alive”? Most would say the first. That is because our awareness moved more energy into the first hand. Cool, huh? This brings me to my last point before your mind explodes:

Energy follows awareness.

We could go much deeper into these concepts, but I am not an expert in alchemy or quantum physics. I wanted to share some background around how this all works and how you can benefit from these practices. There are many traditional inner alchemical systems such as Egyptian High Alchemy, Tantra, Taoism, and Tibetan Buddhism, to name a few. I find it so fascinating! Below, I’ve created a basic meditation that guides you through a form of inner alchemy for self healing. Transforming pain and tension into calm and ease. Enjoy!

Inner Alchemy Meditation

Turning tension and pain into a calm and relaxed state of mind.


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