Felt Sense





The very first episode in a series called Love Temple, a space designed with your healing and self love in mind. In this episode, Olivia takes you through a short guided process tapping into the felt sense.

The felt sense is the ability to feel sensations in the body. This is such an important practice that I believe everyone should learn to incorporate in their daily lives. This allows you to tune into the present and notice what your body is communicating to you in that moment. Our lives are often filled with stress and residual trauma, no matter how big or small. Especially in 2020, am I right? This lingering energy naturally wants to be released and the first step in this process is actually FEELING it.

This is a foundational tool that will become stronger with each practice. If this feels frustrating, totally understandable, you’re not alone. Slow down and come back to your breath. Over time, you can begin to connect these sensations with emotions, allowing a deeper understanding of your body and its infinite wisdom. Enjoy!




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