Calming Breathwork

A Guided Practice


Sometimes you just need to calm the f*ck down. Breathwork has the power to soothe your nervous system, neutralize your state of mind & promote the flow of energy in the body.

Breathe—you’re alive.

Do you ever feel so stressed, like it’s never going to end, and you can’t breathe, and the anxiety is pulsing through your body, and, and… well, I’m here to tell you that your body is an incredible tool and our breath holds the power to calm our nerves and quiet our thoughts.

Breathwork brings us back to the body. When we listen to the breath, we become aware. Aware of sensations, emotions, and pleasure. Our mind and body keeps us breathing unconsciously, so we often take this gift for granted. Take a few minutes today to connect with your breathing, your body will thank you.

Below I’ve recorded a guided breathwork practice to connect with anytime, anywhere. Unless you are driving, please don’t do this while driving.

Calming Breathwork Practice

By participating in the breathwork practice, you confirm that you are not pregnant and do not have epilepsy, a detached retina, glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities; prior diagnosis by a Medical Professional of manic disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia; strokes, TIAs, seizures or other brain/neurological condition or disease. You understand that Honor Thy & Olivia are not physicians, psychologists, or healthcare professionals, and assume full responsibility for your own physical, emotional and mental health in this process.


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