The Stream | Sept 2020





The consequences of one’s actions will begin to reveal itself. A lynx leads the way, as a seer in the dark. She who knows all.


Your passions will come through this month—plans coming into fruition. Seeing clearly what steps need to be taken to move forward in manifesting your dreams.

There is a major shift in collective upgrades coming through to humans, if you have not felt it already. We are leveling up to the 5th dimension. Alignment is coming to many people in the realization of their true purpose on this Earth.

That being said, those who are not upgrading will be left behind. If you are refusing to see what is—I urge you to look closer. Put your lens in focus.

We will begin to see systems crumble even further. Those involved will begin to see consequences. Justice must be served. See that it happens. If there is one message for the collective this month, it is this: hold others accountable for their actions and then move on. Do not let the old continue to rule. It is time for a new way.

Your intuition is the navigation. This may not be easily understood, and it is not meant to be. Listen to the signs that tell you YES and NO. The mystery within the dark spaces that tell you to leap into something that is unknown. Trust in your intuition, allowing for new ways to come through.

You must be responsible for justice in order to rise together as a collective. And although it is not your personal job to bring people down, remind yourself what is true for you and speak your truth. This is how we remove old constructs that were once standing. Systems that are no longer serving the whole. Patriarchy must die. It is no longer serving us. Welcome to the true Age of Aquarius.

Those who are willing, will listen.


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